While riding hurricane Ian out we decided to prepare a more versatile and complete Curve Tracer concept based upon a DSO and AWG, see Fool'n around thread.
https://www.eevblog.com/forum/testgear/fooln-around-with-dso-awg/msg4421209/#msg4421209This concept worked so well thought maybe a setup fixture which included the ability to do A/B comparisons, deal with SMD as well as leaded DUT devices would be in order. Also, having a higher voltage/current range would be beneficial without the need for an additional buffer amplifier, and using a virtual ground transimpedance amplifier to "sense" the DUT current without creating an offset voltage.
With this in mind we set out to utilize a standard DSO and AWG to display and create the waveforms respectively, but also utilizing external PS inputs to power the fixture in an effort to KISS. Along this thinking we wanted to utilize some available cheap components (well, some components were available before the crisis!) to keep the cost down and adaptable to "what's" available.
Here's the preliminary schematic.
This utilizes a transimpedance amplifier (LM358 for U4) for DUT current sensing with scale factors of 1u, 1m, 1 amp/volt. The amp is buffered with a pair of TO-220 NPN/PNP (TIP122/TIP127). SBD D11 and D12 assure the input doesn't get out of hand above +- ~1V in fault conditions until PTC fuse FB9 opens, under normal closed loop conditions the input is forced to virtual ground by negative feedback formed by U4 and the senses scaling resistors shown with selection switch S/E (Source/Emitter).
For the DUT Base current drive a modified Howland Current Source/Sink is employed around U3 (also a LM358), resistors R21,20 & 15 and switch BASE set the current range from 1u, 1m, 1 amp/volt AWG staircased input shown as STEP IN. U3 is also buffered with NPN/PNP TIP41 & 42 for higher current source/sink capability as shown. Note the Howland Current Source/Sink can be converted into a simple voltage amplifier with switch I/V, this allows use with voltage controlled MOS devices.
For the Drain or Collector sweep (D/C) we decided to use a simple audio IC amp like the LM1875 or LM3886 setup with a voltage gain of 5 V/V. Switch OUT-Z and attached resistors allow the Sweep D/C Output Impedance to be set from 1, 1K and 100K Ohms.
Input power is nominally +-30V (+HV and -HV) as normally available from popular Lab Supplies, but can go higher (LM3886) if required. Standard 7815 and 7915 Linear regulators are employed to supply the regulated VCC and VEE voltages, duals +15V and -15V were selected to distribute the power dissipation rather than utilize a higher capacity single regulator (we had the standard 78 and 79 series in house).
The design is based to allow a upgrade to higher voltage ranges like +-150V for the Drain/Collector (D/C) sweep, by only replacing the Sweep Amplifier (PA441).
Anyway, here's a quick look at the project. We will follow up with additional details if folks are interested!!
Winds are picking up and heavy rain, Ian is getting near
Edit: Updated schematic.