With an MCU there will be not much (if any) logic chips for auto-ranging it is more like quite some CMOS switches and a few relays (e.g. to switch the high voltage dividers and maybe the ohms current source). I would prefer CMOS switches over relays if one has the choice.
Auto-ranging just on the ADC output could be tricky, as the average DC output can be still in range, but short time there might be clipping. So one should also have some kind of detection for clipping, e.g. be comparators or maybe diode / capacitor circuits and the ADC to check from time to time. The ADC ICL7135 should have quite some headroom (e.g. up to 3.5 V) - but the input amplifier might not have that much in some ranges.
Using the ADC could also check for the limits on the next lower range - so no need to actually switch to higher gain, just to find out that this would cause an over-range due to short time excursions. It somewhat depends on the input stage how much reserve is there beyond the nominal range.
It is a little the question if one needs analog peak detection circuits or can use the ADC to just sample the signal relatively fast.