Hi All,
Thanks for all the interest in DIY-SMU. Sorry I haven't checked this blog in a while. I 've been updating my project web site though so hopefully you have seen my progress here.
http://www.djerickson.com/diy_smu Parts shortages: Ugh! In addition to dealing with these, here's a quick summary of my recent changes:
The Voltage and Current cal software (Python) is working very well. I will release it.
I built up 2 new Rev2 main boards with the new Rev3 Amp boards. The main reason for the upgrade is to make the voltage clamps safe in the following conditions:
Force current mode with voltage clamp
External voltage is applied that exceeds the clamp voltage setting
Low current ranges: < 100mA
Before this fix, theses conditions would cause damage to the current range section. The fix is to switch the Amp current limit to 15mA for the 10mA and lower ranges.
I decided to rework my first 2 Rev1 units to apply this fix. The rework is farily simple: I generate the 100mA range inverted signal in firmware to a spare GPIO bit, and add one wire. And upgrade the amplifier boards to Rev3. I decided to upgrade the 2 Rev 1's because between the parts shortages and the labor of hand building these boards, the built and running Rev1 boards are valuable.
My remaining firmware tasks:
Better triggering, particularly from SCPI. Requires making the ADC code non-blocking. I have some ideas...
SCPI command to move cal data to EEPROM. Currently requires a re-compile after calibration
Finish the keypad value entry code. Keypad (Nextion) is working, but need to parse the output string to set values, test against limits...
Some basic plotting.
I have not yet built the 3-sided sheet-metal cover. Accurate sheet metal bending is not my forte.
I have 4 fully functioning DIY-SMU units and am looking for someone(s) to take 1 or 2 units to do some testing or help with the firmware development. I'm also looking for more python control: curve tracer, plotting,.... Send me a message here to let me know what you can contribute and I'll try to pick the best 2 candidates.