Small update:
- The STM32 works, it boots and I have written a bit of test code, UARTs are OK and it's happily blinking its two status LEDs.
- The input squarer works, it's output is not entirely symmetric, though. It outputs a square wave with about 54% duty cycle.
- I'm not happy with the jitter of the 10MHz signal. It should be fairly stable, I source it from a GPSDO. I suspect the jitter is from the input squarer but I'll check what comes from the GPSDO, too.
- The 74HC390 works and outputs a 500kHz signal to the TDC7200 (which is not yet mounted)
- The 74AC04 creates around 40mV (p-p) ripple on the 3.3V digital supply rail. Good thing the DAC and the output opamp will each have an LDO on their own.
- The 10MHz output (two parallel inverters from the same AC04 through a Bessel Butterworth filter) creates a fairly nice sine wave. I cannot really measure it, but the FFT of my scope suggests that the first harmonic is at least 45dB below the fundamental.
The TDC7200 will be delivered tomorrow. I'll do some more meaningful tests once it's on the PCB. I'll probably not assemble the analog section on this PCB revision, not until I've found out where the jitter on the 10MHz come from.
Current schematic attached.
EDIT: I think the jitter might be through the voltage divider at the input of the AC04-F. The ripple on the VDD rail directly translates to an input bias shift. Maybe a small capacitor parallel to R12 would help.
Update: No, of course a capacitor parallel to R12 won't be good because it's then part of a capacitive voltage divider that attenuates the input signal. However, beefing up the decoupling by exchanging C27 with a 4.7u MLCC worked much better. Also, I see the jitter on the scope only on every _second_ rising edge. Likely a problem of the scope and not actually there. Fedex just delivered the TDC7200 so I'll put that on the PCB and when that's done, I'll be working on the software for a bit.
Update2: Took a closer look at the jitter: It's coming and going in 100ns intervals. 100ns from the trigger point it's there, 200ns it's gone, 300ns it's back. This is a Rigol 1054Z. You may remember the infamous jitter problem they have due to bad PLL loop filter design, what I'm seeing is similar to that issue. I have the software update but we all know it's only a band aid. So I'm going with the assumption that the signal is actually OK and I'm only seeing a scope artifact.