I am using the stacking transistors in order to reduce power dissipation. This is equivalent to switching voltage ranges, but it happens automatically and quickly.
You mean VT11 to VT14? while VT7 is the gate driving transistor? if so, then they are in series with each other.
Then it is fed from "out" to "out+" and "out-" which are the true output terminals while the current sense resistor is connected between out- and the true ground, right?
Sleepless nights in the PSpice.
On that we agree xD.
I meant for example, why picking 10nf+10kR as compensation (with that diode like VD19), instead of 1nF+10KR or something else? is it trial and error or is there a guided method for doing so? both will yield sleepless nights as well. I don't have PSpice thus I will rely only on LTSpice.
I do not see any problem with small load currents. Sometimes, problems may arise from loads that have a complex impedance. In such cases, my PS is not stable, due to the absence large capacitor at the output. But this capacitor can be added directly to the output terminals, while PS becomes stable.
it is common to have this low currents issue, I mean when you put a current limit of 10mA or so... not when it is in CV and the load draws 10mA. By large capacitor do you mean something like 100uF aluminum (electrolytic) capacitor? or do you mean you have some circuit to add it when necessary?
What is the minimum load current that your supply can set in CC mode? does it suffer from high capacitive or inductive loads?
I have a multi-level power, if we take the intermediate levels, the minimum drop is very small. But at the upper level it reaches of several volts.
You mean V1,V2,...etc rectified from the transformer taps? But you still got to pick an output voltage and this is where the drop is determined.
Remote sense is optional. My copy of PS without separate sense terminals. The sense signal is internally connected directly to the output terminals. But you can make separate terminals. The resistors are needed to ensure that when broken sense wires output voltage does not greatly increased. This is a standard solution that can see the circuit Agilent PS.
As far as I can tell, out+ is connected to R83 and R84 in series... after that it is "sense+" which is fed into R70 and R61 in series which form the positive input of the op-amp (and the same for the negative one) while R57 is for the gain. R75+C33 are compensation for stability.
Now what I meant is why not connecting "sense+" directly to the out+ since it gives /10 gain via the op-amp? why there are R83+R84? without this you won't be able to sense the voltage thus what is the remote sensing here which is optional? you mean the "sense+" and "sense-" external connection via XP3 (to be able to sense the voltage outside of the supply)?
My scheme will not work with a single supply with any opams. Such a scheme can be done, but I do not aspire to it. PS quality will be worse. Get the negative power supply is very simple with the main winding, I just connected a rectifier bridge through capacitors.
And why is that? what is the gained benefit of using negative voltage rail? and why it will be worse quality supply? someone mentioned that it will be slower CC response with single supply op-amps like mine but I don't know why while your design seems fast which gave you the freedom to pick lower quality op-amps. Is there a reason for this?
That's a very difficult question. When calculating the stability of the circuit need to use load parameters. For a power supply they are not known, because the load can be any. Therefore, to make stable power supply is impossible in principle. For example, Agilent draws graphics with PSU stability area for different load inductances and capacities.
And how stable is yours? people mentioned the trials of putting different types of loads especially low current ones and high capacitive ones as well as pure inductive loads. So you mean I should finish the design then try these loads one by one?
As for stability, I just learned stuff about ac analysis with bode plots and it does seem the key to make power supplies stable. what points do you test to determine that?