MOV in clamping is not a short circuit, it is a very poor zener diode, it clamps the voltage peaks to the clamp voltage. A spark gap is a short when conducting ( ignoring the 10V or so drop across it) but needs 300V plus to get it to conduct. If you have 300V across the speakers tweeters are not a problem. Amplifiers are very capable at supplying power into a load that drops some volts across it, a nominal 8R speaker can and will have an impedance curve that is going to be under 2R at some point. The crossover inductor and capacitors will prevent the MOV from loading the amplifier, it will still drive the low driver perfectly happily even if you short out the tweeter completely, with no drama or anything else aside from the lack of treble.
If you are worried about overloading the MOV use a bigger one, or a few in parallel, and use a PTC thermistor polyfuse heatshrunk to the MOV's so the heat will trip it to keep the peace. A 2A polyfuse will do for most sane tweeters, just shrink it to the MOV so it benefits from the heat to trip sooner. Rate the MOV so the tweeter will not die at 2A current through it.