Don't rule out
Charlieplexing. The display above may well *NOT* have an internal driver IC.
The presence of current limiting resistors between *all* the display pins and the MCU I/O pins driving them is a strong indication of a charlieplexed display. However extremely low cost ('Muntzed') designs may omit them, relying on the output resistance of the I/O pins to limit the LED current.
If the original board is still available and can be powered up, investigation with a scope, and then a logic analyser is called for.
If not, manually tabulating the display's 'signature' (i.e. checking if there is a diode or resistance between every possible pair of pins, and if its a diode, measuring the Vf), should determine whether or not a driver chip is present, and if present, distinguish between its control and power pins. If single segments illuminate during this test, its charlieplexed, and if you note their locations, you are well on the way towards mapping it for reuse.