Those are all points I plan to hit on in the near future. I'm not completely against them, my next project will use a pc board and it will be preassembled by myself (at least at first) so there will be no soldering or anything else needed. But one thing I offer on ebay and has proven pretty popular (I've shipped kits to europe, canada and australia) is a collection of parts that would otherwise cost much more and/or involve a long wait. I sell a collection of parts including perfboards which one can use to build pretty much whatever one wants and modify it to suit. PC boards cannot allow that, especially to a beginner. You'll learn a lot more assembling something on perfboard.
I'm planning on getting my ham license here in the next few weeks. Didn't study for the tests but I've been involved in radio so long a lot of it "I just know." Of course my kit isn't just for radio, in fact it's geared more toward general purpose and advanced arduino stuff (the boards are the requisite size, there are pins and connectors and solderless breadboard jumper leads) but I really like this radio circuit I concocted a week ago and thought it might make a good shakedown video. I'm just getting my whiteboard capabilities up to speed, I need a mic so I don't have to shout, but it's coming along as quickly as I can make it happen. I'm happy to report there just aren't enough hours in the day...