I have bought a 15 W UV-C lamp armature. Used it today to radiate shipment packages I have received today. According to my research, this type of UV-C causes DNA damage in virii and bacteria in a matter of seconds (I'm no expert, this is what I read, so take it with a grain of salt).
I basically hold the lamp towards the shipping package and because the light is behind the sheetmetal frame, I'm not exposed to the light. But here's what I have noticed: Within 30 seconds of turning the light on, there is a very slight smell in the air. I wondered what that is and researched. According to what I read, that is the smell of organic molecules breaking up and sulfur forming.
I went over the packages for a total of maybe a few minutes and wasn't exposed to the light directly at that time. But I know what it is to be exposed to UVC. When I first bought my TIG welder, I did welding practice for a few hours with a short sleeve shirt. I had severe sun burn on my arms and chest that lasted for a week.
This lamp is 15 W. There were also 30 W models available, but they were too long (90 cm), so I opted for the shorter one with less power.