Hi everyone, how are you? I hope fine.
Several weeks ago I bought some MPU6050 modules, the typical GY-521 module, from China (Aliexpress) .
Yesterday I've received it, and then I tested all of them with an Arduino one board, using the "MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps20" library, created by Jeff Rowberg. I found that of the 9 modules tested, only 3 of them was working as expected. Five of them were not being initialized correctly and were working really weird (absolutely useless). One of them was correctly initialized, but also working really weird.
Then I modified the library to show the "WHO AM I" register of the modules. The MPU6050 that were working as expected, show a value of 0x68 (as especified in datasheet). The MPU6050 that were not being initialized correctly and working weird, shown a strange value of 0x72. The MPU6050 that were initialized correctly and works weird, show a value of 0x68. I decided to visually inspect all of the modules, with the following, interesting result:
I suspect that it is a different chip from invensense and it was remarked as MPU6050. Good try, Aliexpress seller, but I always test all products and take videos of unboxing and testing before rating them. Of course I will open a dispute and got my money back.
What do you think about this? Do you have stories about counterfeit products in China that you want to share with us?