Hi, I want to build a small controller with the following rough specs:
- I think I'll use the arduino mini / nano board - they're only < $3 for a complete system and they're very tiny (smaller than a USB memory stick)
- This device will act as a "slave", possibly connecting via some sort of wireless link to the master controller which will have some sort of user interface (web or LCD, or just plain cron job on a computer)
- connect to solenoid garden irrigation valve to control watering - via a relay or some sort of fet. Relay is probably easier. The power supply needs to drive the solenoid (24V - not sure how many amps)
- receive input from a rain sensor (it comes as a stereo jack from the rain sensor).
- I am thinking of using some sort of plastic housing and figure out the water proofing for it - it would be nice if the housing has a rubber o-ring seal but I don't think I've seen one (from jaycar).
- This box will live outside, mounted on the wall, subject to sun and rain.
- Powering the controller - this my main question - got any ideas what I can use (circuit / diagram or a small inexpensive module?) There will be an outdoor power point nearby. Most small irrigation controllers seem to be powered by 2xAA or 1x9V batteries and can manage to work for 6 months+.
- Use a transformer / power supply / SMPS and take power from the outlet
- Use a 9V battery and have a step up to convert to 24V to drive the solenoid valve - will the 9V battery last? It'll only need to turn on the valve for maybe 10-20 minutes a day total.
- or find a valve that operates on 9V (non standard? might be harder to find)
I'd appreciate any tips / ideas. Thanks!