I ordered some new "foams" for it from eBay and most, but not all work. The seller is sending me some that are known to work for the ones that don't, but I still wonder if there is something else going wrong with this keyboard electrically that I need to fix.
The voltage regulator is getting 12V in and putting out 4.87V which seems a bit low to me as it seems that these 7805 type vregs are usually more accurate than this, but it is quite old (1983?)
I tried using an eraser on some pcb pads, no different. I've tried to use some deoxit on the key pads to see if that would help, no difference.
If I use a "good" foam, it is very sensitive to where it is positioned on the pad, even 1mm off and it might not work. Some pads prefer the foam disc to be off center. Sometimes it will work and a second later it will not. I tried the keyboard all screwed down and i get the same result. For testing I've been putting a foam on the pad and pressing it with a pencil to see if it will type the key or not.
Any ideas on how to make it more sensitive? Should I replace the vreg? Other ideas? I have already used some water soluable flux and rewet/resoldered all the parts at the top before giving it a water rinse/compressed air blow off. That was before the deoxit. Nothing seems to improve it...