@not1xor1: Kleinstein is referring to the blinking version with the opamp which inputs are wired in parallel to the IC1B opamp.
I would add 100nF ceramics in parallel to the 2x1000uF as well as to the output capacitor.
With 8 opamps it seems the PSU is a bit over-engineered

My simulation also shows the not1xor1's blinking works, there is a region where the both may lit (Iout pretty close to the SlowCC limit) but that situation is rather rare.
With Vout from 124mV to 25V (30V V+) the current of each LED is always 0mA or 1.6mA with 15k resistor while blinking - see below.
I would also leave the 560k there, you may or may not populate them. If somebody decided to use cheap potentiometers the resistors could become handy.
I would go back to the 4opamps version, with the buffer for the I_set, buffer for the Vref, and the CC and CV opamps. And blinking according to not1xor1.
PS: doublecheck the labels on your opamp power. Looks like both are V-. Use better names for the labels.
PPS: Why your previous main V+ is now called V- in your schematics?
That is weird..weird..
I would highly recommend you to rename it back to V+.
Or better, when you are getting confused by too many sources with 2 chars long names, use the appropriate long names like for example:
Vpower+ or Vpower_P for the main 18V power
Vpower- or Vpower_N for the -1.3V created on the 2 diodes
Vopamp+ or Vopamp_P for the opapm's positive power
Vopamp- or Vopamp_N for the opamp's negative power
otherwise you may easily create a big mess on your PCB.
Also do use underscores instead of spaces in the label names.