Hey guys,
So I am working on a project right now that uses a piezoresistive sensor to do event detection in a fluid line. I have been having some issues designing a front end filter. I'm working with an attiny 85 atm, however I am in the process of moving to the Read Bear labs BLE nano development board. The device has some fairly stringent design requirements: I need it to be ultra low power, small form factor, Bluetooth enabled and have fairly robust event detection. Currently I am doing event detection by comparing the derivative of resistance against a threshold set by an external potentiometer. (I can't have a threshold for the resistance due to significant variability in the initial sensor value and the fact that there is quite a bit of drift while the sensor is in operation.) The problem is that I cannot get enough precision out of the ADC (seems like 10 bits is the best I can do reasonably) to measure the measure the change (I'm working on sensor sensitivity atm. But to give you an idea of what's involved, in order to do that I will need to have access to a clean room and some very specialized equipment, so that's not happening any time soon.) Anyway, that's probably enough background information to get started. My current design is a voltage divider w/ R1 selected to compliment the initial value of the sensor (I'm thinking about using a digital potentiometer here to do some on board calibration and to later use feedback to account for sensor drift.) and the signal from between the resistors is sent though a LPF to the ADC of the MCU.
I was thinking about instead implementing a BPF with gain, but unfortunately the frequency components of the desired signal also vary significantly, so I will need to have a pretty wide response up to the sampling frequency of the MCU (RN I'm guessing that I will sample at ~ 250Hz, but that is sure to change as the device is better characterized). At frequencies this low, the passive components of the Sallen key topology tend to get pretty bulky, so I was hoping that there was a different topology that I could use, or perhaps a configurable IC that would do the trick, but unfortunately I have no idea where to start looking for something like this. Hopefully you guys have some suggestions.