I wanted to get some logging going with my Solartron 7061 and this project looked like just the ticket.
I have a MEGA 2560 card running the code and it talks to both my 7150+ and 7061 meters when using it from a terminal emulator with no problem.
One thing I wanted to do, over and above logging a voltage over time was to add environmental data - as in temperature, humidity and pressure. I have a small device which measures these parameters and transmits the results every minute to a local MQTT broker so as to make the data available for different purposes.
So I wrote some shell script to set up the AR488 with the measurement parameters. Once the measurement is set up, I set ++auto 3 and do a ++read. Then I enter a loop which just reads the incoming results from the serial port. There is another bit of shell script running in the background which queries the MQTT server once every minute and writes the current temperature, humidity and pressure out to a file.
All the loop does is combine the data from the AR488 with the data from the MQTT server, creates a timestamp and appends the resulting line to a CSV file. So far so good.
The problem I'm experiencing with the 7061 is that after about 15 results have come in (each measurement takes 8 seconds), the 7061 suddenly displays "21 I/P BUFFER OVERFLOW" on the display and stops delivering results.
Has anyone any idea why this might happen? I'm not sending anything to the AR488 at this point, I'm just reading the auto-fetched measurements.