To make sure the issue is not related to the USB CDC port, I switched over to using the Leonardo hardware serial port (RXO, TXI lines) instead and hooked it up to a CH340 USB to serial converter, also directly plugged into the PC.
The behavior is exactly the same as with CDC. Host initiated plots transfer just fine. Instrument initiated plots initially start with the already discussed delay of about 10s and when the transfer is complete, the AR488 no longer reacts to commands like ++ver and 7470.exe crashes. Disconnecting from the GPIB bus is not enough to recover communication, only a power cycle will do the job.
So, this appears to be not some kind of "dirt effect" but a real firmware problem.
Can you think of any more test I can do and any more data I can gather to help you fix this?
Anything to be learned from AR488 debug output? Is it possible to run in over the CDC USB port but log the debug output over the hardware port to keep the streams separated and avoid debug data to interfere with normal operation?
Best regards.
Tom, thanks for confirming you are not using wireless of any kind. Your test was a good idea and shows that the problem is not the serial transmission method neither CDC nor UART. I have been back to those LA traces you provided and they don't show any interference on the GPIB bus wires. The trace is near identical to the Prologix. You also mentioned a few posts back that it seemed to work OK in terminal and you provided a terminal capture to show that.
Following on from that, I would like to confirm that you ran the Prologix GPIB Configurator (prologix.exe) supplied with the KE5FX tools and whether it detected the AR488 interface? Also, after successful detection, did you click the 'Update CONNECT.INI' button to save the detected settings (or else manually edited the file via 'Edit CONNECT.INI')? I think you said this worked OK with the Prologix so you may have done this at least once, but since the Prologix and AR488 would present on different COM ports, the CONNECT.INI would need updating each time the interfaces are swapped or you wanted to switch between them. Apologies if you have already provided this info although I couldn't see it while scanning back through the discussion. I'm still not ruling out a firmware problem, but would like to eliminate the possibility that the 7470.exe program is not communicating with the intended serial port from the equation.
Is it possible to run in over the CDC USB port but log the debug output over the hardware port to keep the streams separated and avoid debug data to interfere with normal operation?
Not at present, but its an excellent idea and I will add this as a feature.
In the meantime, all debug levels as well as ++verbose must be turned off (debug by commenting out in the sketch) otherwise as you point out, they will interfere with the correct delivery of the plot.
Hi John,
I have started playing with your ESP8266 firmware again and I'm having troubles:
0.04.06 which does not have SSL yet works fine in both AP and Client mode.
0.04.11 with SSL works well in AP mode (have tested this before, now I know I have to enter https:// :-) ), but when I switch it to Client mode it won't connect to my home AP, but fall back to AP mode.
Any hints or any test I can do?
Best regards, Tom
This is curious since the code for connecting to and configuring WiFi is identical in both versions - it has not changed. The only difference in in the firmware is that the latter has SSL capability added to the webserver, but this should not impact being able to connect to a WiFi router.
I have a couple of suggestions:
1. In version 0.4.11, comment out the following section (lines 847 - 849):
configTime(3 * 3600, 0, "", "");
2. If that does not make any difference, then compile with DEBUG_0 and DEBUG_1 enabled in the sketch as well as with enabling Debug in the Ardiono IDE (set Tools => Debug Port: to your serial port ) and set Debug Level to "wifi". Open the Serial Monitor which should generate some output including after you after you hit 'Apply' on the WiFi configuration page. Let me have a copy of that output.