Whilst LED displays often use tinted plastic to increase contrast, the best (and most common) used for car dashboards is a circular polariser - that strongly attenuates lights that has passed through it twice, like reflections. The effect is, light being emitted is subject to 50% attenuation, as with any polariser, but light entering the filter, reflecting off the diffuse surface of the segments, then coming back out of the filter, is attenuated.
The reason the segments appear reflective is because they use diffuse plastic, along with the white housing to form a light box, meaning a point-source (like an LED die) can provide even illumination over the entire segment. So I very much doubt you will find 'dark' ones. There is no way around this, which is why tinted plastic (or the more expensive circular polariser) options are so common where VFD's aren't appropriate, and things have to be readable in fairly bright conditions.
I suspect the film in 'big clive's video is what I'm on about. Great stuff!