I'm looking to create essentially a flashing LED project, but I'm stuck on a few of the details.
The plan is to create a childrens light feature with multiple LEDs.
I'm stuck on the drive circuitry though, as I cant decide which is "better".
I'm going to drive it all from a PIC24, with total current sink/source of 250mA, which gives ~10mA for each LED assuming I drive every LED directly from the port pin. This would make the LEDs relatively dim, but it would still be lit. Obviously, if I dont use a series resistor, then I can control the brightness using PWM and drive the occasional LED above the 10mA limit.
Another advantage is this allows me to connect both legs of the LED to my PIC and reverse bias the LED - allowing me to make the feature more interactive.
The flip side is using the port pin to drive a mosfet, and power the LED that way. Now I can run them brighter (up to the limit of my power supply), but I lose the interactivity. This also means needing a mosfet and 2 resistors (each taking up space). I know there are some IC's with integrated current limiting and bias resistors, but I cant remember the part number.
I know engineering is all about compromise, but I cant decide what is more important - brightness vs interactivity.
Maybe it comes down to a lack of interactivity wont "break" the project, whereas a lack of brightness will....
What do you guys reckon?