So, long holiday, too much free time on my hands....
After having a look around the board, I came across the flash memory and thought to myself: what if I dump its contents? After some trial and hacking together a EEPROM reader, success.
I managed to get a full flash dump. This will be the very first time I "reverse engineer" a firmware, but so far, looks promising.
Below is the binwalk output of the dump file:
361 0x169 Xilinx Virtex/Spartan FPGA bitstream dummy + sync word
8397 0x20CD LZMA compressed data, properties: 0x8A, dictionary size: 0 bytes, uncompressed size: 40 bytes
680533 0xA6255 Ubiquiti firmware header, third party, ~CRC32: 0x0, version: ":CURR:THR"
680697 0xA62F9 Ubiquiti firmware header, third party, ~CRC32: 0x0, version: ":CURR:THR?"
852329 0xD0169 Xilinx Virtex/Spartan FPGA bitstream dummy + sync word
994286 0xF2BEE LZMA compressed data, properties: 0xC0, dictionary size: 0 bytes, uncompressed size: 33792 bytes
1090379 0x10A34B LZMA compressed data, properties: 0x90, dictionary size: 0 bytes, uncompressed size: 33 bytes
1550521 0x17A8B9 Ubiquiti firmware header, third party, ~CRC32: 0x0, version: ":CURR:THR"
1550685 0x17A95D Ubiquiti firmware header, third party, ~CRC32: 0x0, version: ":CURR:THR?"
If anyone else out there is interested, I'm attaching to the post the full dump.
EDIT: After running a strings command against the dump file, I got about 632 lines that look like possible commands. Some of them are repeated, with just some weird prefix, but they might yield something useful. Full list is contained in the commands.txt file.