Besides, it's one of the best 8-bitters ever made.
I have to agree on that point! And it was one of the last of the separate processors.
The microprocessor professor at Georgia Tech, Dr. John Peatman, was a big Motorola supporter. Probably helped that Motorola donated to the college. Dr. Peatman worked at HP during the summer so we had a lab full of HP development systems tied together on a IEEE-488 'network'.
One of the fun projects I did was create a 6809 structured assembler for the development system. HP had a universal assembler tool that managed all the common tasks (symbol recognition, hash table, etc.) so all I had to do was handle the stuff unique to the structured assembler.
And in case you're wondering, a structured assembler has macro like instructions for common programming structures such as IF THEN ELSE and DO WHILE. A step short of a C compiler (which we didn't have) but made coding a little cleaner.
The programming we did was mostly BASIC09 and a little assembly. I don't think we had a native assembler and BASIC09 ran under OS/9.
BASIC09 compiled into "p-code" which was interpreted at runtime. Made for fairly compact code and reasonable execution speed.
Thanks for the prompt for a trip down memory lane! Good times when I was just getting started!