Today, I measured the magnitude of the impedance (s11) and plotted in Excel, using NanoVNA V2.2. I ran two sweeps, two calibrations...100KHz-200MHz, and 200MHz-400MHz. (Originally just swept 100KHz-200MHz, forgetting that the DO-160 upper frequency is 400MHz, so I just ran a separate sweep and appended the data.)
I tried to get the reference plane as close to the circuit as possible by soldering an SMA directly between DUT_line and earth. Perhaps more accurately would be to measure the impedance at the actual power port on the enclosure. However, didn't drill the holes out yet, and also the "true" impedance of the network of the circuit gets skewed by even a little I've been told. (Thanks Jay_Diddy_B.)
Anyway, the impedance seems very well behaved when measured @ -10dBm. Definitely within the limits. I am not sure how one would characterize it near its true operational power.
Please see the attached plot and measurement setup. Since this was my first ever VNA measurement, I'm hoping someone can give me some feedback. If it looks okay, I'll share the files.
I've also seen people measure insertion loss of LISNs...but I do not understand its relevancy, nor do I see any sort of official specification.