The beast clearly listens but does not respond. I am using an USB to serial converter (tried two of them, a good FTDI based and another one which I know also works), my serial settings are like the book says (9600, bytesize=8, parity=none, stopbits=1). The instrument has RS232 enabled and all matching settings. Same results under Ubuntu (Python and some terminal program) and Win7 (Putty).
This is how I know it listens:
- every time I send "func 'volt:dc';:read?" and the instrument triggers and freezes the display with the given voltage ('REM' lights up on the display)
- "*RST" consistently resets it (clears the screen with "-------")
No command returns anything back though, tried "func 'volt:dc';:read?", "*IDN?", etc.
I am either missing something obvious or the instrument is broken or something. Decided to ask before I start listening to cables and such. Appreciate your help...