Hmm, poor use of common mode range, the ground between R36/R38 should be biased to say +6V or so. Or at least ~1V.
Anyway, yes, that would be a zero-cross detector. The resistors and diodes form a clamped voltage divider. A differential comparator determines the higher of the two, and produces a signal indicating which.
Each pair of resistors has the response (and respectively for AC_N and IN+):
IN- = AC_L * R36 / (R35 + R36)
These nodes have a Thevenin equivalent resistance of R36 || (R35 + Rsrc). When the voltage between them exceeds about 0.6V, the diodes conduct, limiting the voltage difference. Thus the comparator sees a maximum of +/- 0.7V across its inputs, more or less.
Note that Rsrc includes any GND to mains impedance. Presumably, this circuit is either floating (isolated) in which case Rsrc is very high (actually, R35 || R40 since those are then the only connections between GND and mains), or, the circuit is mains-referenced (GND is actually AC_N, or DC_N after a rectifier, etc.) or ground referenced (GND is actually EARTH), in which case Rsrc is low (or, should be).
We might design this network to give an arbitrary gain (from mains to input) of say 1/100th, so that the comparator can make its decision (this happens in a range of about 5mV at its inputs) in a reasonably precise range (i.e., < 1V). We would then get a maximum input of Vpk / 100, or several volts, well within the capability of this comparator (12V supply). If we need greater sensitivity, we can reduce the ratio (increase R36/R38, decrease R35/R40) to put a higher voltage at the comparator; if we go over 12V however, we exceed the common mode range, and the comparator won't produce meaningful results (e.g., its output may invert).
So we put clamp diodes in place, to limit the voltage seen by the comparator, allowing even higher gains, and allowing some immunity to the nasty voltages seen on the mains.
So the common mode problem I mentioned earlier, is this: the comparator operates correctly for inputs roughly in the 0-12V range (actually a bit more or less depending, but relative to its supplies in any case). As shown, each input is divided towards zero, which means under normal conditions, one input spends half the time in the 0 to -0.7V range!
It gets worse. In general, you must assume the mains voltage has peaks up to 1.5kV between lines, and 2.5kV to ground! These are not continuous ratings -- they only occur under extreme conditions, usually lightning strikes (sometimes nearby switches/relays operating, too). But if an application can't tolerate those microseconds of extremes, that's bad.
The clamp diode helps with this between lines, but not common mode. Suppose ground is earth, and a 2.5kV common mode surge hits; this puts the full, whatever, 1/100th of 2.5kV or 25V, on the comparator input. Or worse if that one single resistor breaks down and delivers many amperes into the poor comparator.