This is just the start of some measurements and how i do it to not fool myself or the readers of this topic.
Lets start whit the schematic/design i wil test first.
It is better to ignore the current limitation in this diagram, I'm going to solve this in a different way.
The two extra capacitors over the output are Ceramic and therefore have a low ESR and I chose this one especially here together with the Rubycon 100uF YXG capacitor.
This gave good results in the dynamic tests.
What I am now showing here is what is possible with the uA723 and a fast Power Stage regarding the dynamic behavior.
This is the starting point for me, the voltage loop should be good, before I continue with the other parts of the design.
And now some info about the current pulse I use for the dynamic tests.
I had already shown my Jim Williams Fast Current Source that I repaired.
This has now also been used in the tests below.
This is the voltage measured with a battery scope over the current measurement sensor in the Jimwilliams Current Source.
I use a battery scope for these measurements because of commonmode errors that often occur during these measurements.
This is the pulse measured at the maximum bandwidth and largest sample memory settings.
I show this to indicate that the used pulse is very clean and no signal will be masked if I filter this pulse in the scope to get rid of some noise.
The yellow line at the bottom represents the "0" current.
I modulate the Jim Williams Current Source with a 500Hz pulse from one of my generators and this pulse has a 10% Duty Cycle.
The level I use is from 200mA to peak 1.6-Ampere.
This pulse already has a much greater variation than most manufacturers use in their specifications.
And I also specify the edge steepness of the pulse, which here is 5uSec.
This is the pulse measured over the current measurement sensor in the Jim Williams Current Source at maximum bandwidth (200MHz) and memory depth.
Incredibly clean in my eyes.
And this is the pulse when I make the memory depth 1K and 16x average.
Now that the noise is gone, there are still no abberations to be seen.
I am now sure that what I measure is not influenced by a pulse current that would have abberations itself.
And this is the result, some of you might think, Bram that's not good at all...
And then I say, look at the scale settings of the scope, 2mV/Div. the pulse is about 7mV!!
But let's zoom in a bit to get a better picture of the pulse.
First I want to let you know, that when measuring with the Hameg scope I first looked again with a large bandwidth without averaging,
to see if there is something to generate at a high frequency, just to be save!
Yes, this power supply is FAST and stable.
Of course the negative pulse is a bit faster than the positive pulse.
This is a 1 quadrant design that can only supply current and not draw current from the load or the output capacitors.
And now the scope is at 1mV/Div. to better measure the voltage drop in the middle of the picture.
The cursor measurement indicates that the voltage in this piece has dropped 720uV.
My Delta-i is 1600mA -200mA = 1400mA and that gives an Ri of about 0.5 mOhm of this power supply.
The attentive reader might think, He Bram, your scoop clips! that wil gives measurements errors!
Because of that, I also measured on the 2mV/Div. mode, this gave the same results only a bit worse to read.
Setup on the bench.The grey wire in the foreground is the "0" sense wire.
The yellow thin wire is the +Sense wire.
The BNC connector is located at the points where the sense wires are.
The BNC cable is placed at right angles to the current-carrying wiring, this is done to minimize measurement errors through the magnetic field of the current-carrying wiring.
The measurements are done at the point where the sense wires are mounted on the output terminals.
Why not measured at the output terminals themselves?
Because I will measure the induction and resistance of the output terminals and not the properties of the circuit itself.
And what happens then when I connect 1M cables to my D.U.T. to provide energy.
Go and measure that, but prepare yourself for some horror.
You always need decoupling of the D.U.T. of sufficient size, so that the connection cables do not receive fast signals to process.
It can also help to use a power supply with external sense wires.
But really fast power supplus with sense wires are difficult to make, the wiring acts like inductors, and the compensation can become rather complex.
The first step for all currents larger than 1-Ampere, is the wiring twisting between the power supply and the D.U.T.
Now is the time to enjoy the first spring sun!
Kind regards,