I don't like newlangs because I want to give my programs the best chance of still compiling and running in 10 or more years time.
LOL, like "Fire-fLOP" (aka firefox) ? In 2005 I was able to compile it on my PowerBook G4.
Now not only it's C++11 (requires modern gcc version) & Rust (requires llvm/clang) but building it eats more than 2GByte of ram
my old laptop has 512Mbyte of ram, was able to compile the early versions of FireFox but .. today I only compile Dillo instead, ssh-tunneling to a proxy that makes it access to HTTPs web 2.0.
Or, like the old Gentoo portage, that was python v1 && EAPI={1 , 2}?
Now it's Python >=3.*, EAPI={ 5 , 6 , 7 , 8}, no more compatible with previous ABI.
case ${EAPI} in
5) ;;
6) ;;
7) ;;
8) ;;
*) die "EAPI=${EAPI} is not supported" ;;
----> forget your old Overlays, forget ***every*** single old portage: old stuff won't work on modern stuff.
And I have no solution, except an ugly hybrid merge-up(1) for my old router (2008); while for the new one router (2020) ... I am all with 2023 stuff, and expect (hope?) it will work for the next 5-8 years.
Or, like Perl, autodoc (Latex?), and other scripts used in Linux Kernel?
can you still compile kernel 2.0? no -> need to be fixed, but you'd best use an old rootfs
can you still compile kernel 2.2? no -> need to be fixed, but you'd best use an old rootfs
can you still compile kernel 2.4? no -> need to be fixed, but you'd best use an old rootfs
Can you still compile kernel 2.6? no -> need to be fixed, but you'd best use an old rootfs
Can you still compile kernel 3.*? somehow yes, but ... it's full of pain, and you'd best use an old rootfs
So, I am afraid that it's not only the language but rather everything from the kernel up!
(1) basically it's still a 2008 stage4, integrated with a forced multi-library or static-linked (I know, it's wrong by design, and consumes more space ... but at least it works) to have some modern stuff on it, like modern OpenSSL, modern OpenSSH, modern curl, and modern wget, all able to work on "https" and SSL stuff.