Author Topic: GNU Octave math programming  (Read 2889 times)

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Offline MathWizardTopic starter

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GNU Octave math programming
« on: December 09, 2020, 11:04:15 pm »
I've spent a few hours fooling around with GNU octave, which is like Matlab. And I've barely done programing, so I'm finding it difficult to understand the syntax, layout, structure of stuff, but is common to people that do programming all the time. It's based on C and C++.

I find the help files need a help file to explain the common programming notations, and so have I haven't found much worked examples, to copy and try. I've watched a few video's, made a script to solve for the time constants and stuff in RLC circuits. I'm trying to make the ODE solver work with 2 coupled equations, to make lsode thing work.

Anyone know a good guide for Octave, and programming, for people that barely do it ? I'm trying not to get too off track from EE.

Or what crash course on programming, would be the most like Octave, and preferably, be about physics/math, since at least I have that to anchor some programming around.

Here's my simple RLC calulator so far, but i haven't figured out how to get lsode notation and stuff working right for the coupled linear ode's

series = 0

#time constants
if ((series = 0))
A = 1/(2*R*C)
A= R/(2*L)

Wo = 1/sqrt(L*C)

cp = [ 1, 2*A, Wo^2]
roots (cp)

>> roots (cp)
ans =

« Last Edit: December 09, 2020, 11:07:13 pm by MathWizard »

Offline ivaylo

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Re: GNU Octave math programming
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2020, 05:41:29 am »
Are you trying to get into programming or to solve math/physics problems with a computer? Or solve something very specific for which you need Octave/Matlab? Generally using those as your first programming language would be awkward, but providing a bit more context what are you trying to do will get you better answers...

Offline Kibabalu

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Re: GNU Octave math programming
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2020, 07:32:47 am »
Regarding syntax and restrictions you can use any teaching material for Matlab. But my strong recommondation is to learn Python instead. Octave has the same focus and restrictions like Matlab, but without its many available really advanced toolboxes. I would not recommend Matlab either (Gave Matlab courses for more than 15 years).

Go for Python! Or if you insist of learning something exotic, go for Julia: As fast as python should be ;-)
« Last Edit: December 10, 2020, 08:10:39 am by Kibabalu »
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Offline DiTBho

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Re: GNU Octave math programming
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2020, 08:55:18 am »
Python + Numpy ?
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Offline PKTKS

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Re: GNU Octave math programming
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2020, 11:46:42 am »
I've spent a few hours fooling around with GNU octave, which is like Matlab. And I've barely done programing, so I'm finding it difficult to understand the syntax, layout, structure of stuff, but is common to people that do programming all the time. It's based on C and C++.

Well   one the very first things they made me learn way back
in academia was FORTRAN (and COBOL) just before and extensive
ASSEMBLY course...

Today I can see that no matter what crappy shit someone
patent..  you still need the raw power or programs

and scientific languages are indispensable.

Try the crash course here on this ref.

and I hardly doubt anyone will benefit such powerful app like octave
without full programming skills

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Offline ledtester

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Re: GNU Octave math programming
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2020, 12:56:58 pm »
I would also suggest python and have a look at sympy.

The docs for the sympy ODE solver:

You can also run sympy from a browser at
« Last Edit: December 10, 2020, 01:00:39 pm by ledtester »
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Offline PKTKS

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Re: GNU Octave math programming
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2020, 02:03:41 pm »

try as well

As far as I can tell it is more focused and
should be faster as all PERL modules are
directly C binded and the APIs are very skinny



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Re: GNU Octave math programming
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2020, 09:52:28 pm »
Here's my simple RLC calulator so far, but i haven't figured out how to get lsode notation and stuff working right for the coupled linear ode's
Please use code tags for that kind of stuff.

I'm not sure if this snippet is supposed to be right or wrong or what help you need with it, but a few remarks are in order:
- comparison is == rather than = - not sure about Matlab/Octave but it backfires really badly in C
- terminate lines with ; if you don't want the result to be printed - you will appreciate it with larger matrices

Sorry, I don't have links to introductory materials, it's been a long while.
For any concrete Matlab function/library it should be possible to find examples in documentation or at places like StackOverflow.

Ahem, :scared:

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Offline rstofer

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Re: GNU Octave math programming
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2020, 05:01:47 pm »
Here is the Lorenz Attractor for MATLAB.  It runs in Octave but the plot step size is too large and the plots are not very neat.  It works great in MATLAB.  Fixing it for Octave is left as an exercise for the reader.
Code: [Select]
%Lorenz Equation

sig=10; b=8/3; r=24.5;
f=@(t,y)[sig*(y(2)-y(1)); r*y(1)-y(2)-y(1)*y(3);
   y(1)*y(2)-b*y(3) ];
[t,y]=ode45(f,[0 50],[-50; 0; 50]);
%Plot of x and y versus t
title('9.3.7 Plot X and Y versus t')
ylabel('x and y')
%Plot of x and z
plot(y(:,1), y(:,3))
title('9.3.7 Plot of X versus Z')
title('9.3.7 3D Plot')

It is a system of 3 cross coupled ODEs:

There is also an RLC circuit.  Unzip the two files and run the RLCexample.m file.  It will find the RLC.m function file.

For the Python crowd (I am using Spyder 4):

I have been working through a book "Deep Learning From Scratch ... " which gets deeply into partial differential equations.  Here is the code for an example early in the book:
Code: [Select]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy import ndarray
%matplotlib inline

from typing import Callable
from typing import List

Array_Function = Callable[[ndarray],ndarray]                       
Chain = List[Array_Function]

def square(x: ndarray) -> ndarray:
    return np.power(x, 2)

def sigmoid(x:ndarray) -> ndarray:
    return 1/(1+np.exp(-x))

def chain_length_2(chain: Chain,
                   x: ndarray) -> ndarray:
    Evaluates two functions in a row, in a "Chain".
    assert len(chain) == 2, \
    "Length of input 'chain' should be 2"

    f1 = chain[0]
    f2 = chain[1]

    return f2(f1(x))

def deriv(func: Callable[[ndarray],ndarray],
          delta: float = 0.001) -> ndarray:
   return (func(input_ + delta) - func(input_ -delta))/(2*delta)

def chain_deriv_2(chain:Chain,input_range:ndarray)->ndarray:

    assert len(chain) == 2,\
        "This function requires 'Chain' objects of length 2"
    assert input_range.ndim == 1,\
        "Function requires a 1 dimensional ndarray as input"
    f1 = chain[0]
    f2 = chain[1]
    f1_of_x = f1(input_range)
    df1dx = deriv(f1,input_range)
    df2du = deriv(f2,f1_of_x)
    return df1dx * df2du

def chain_deriv_3(chain:Chain,input_range:ndarray)->ndarray:
    assert len(chain) == 3, \
        "This function requires 'Chain' objects of length 3"
    f1 = chain[0]
    f2 = chain[1]
    f3 = chain[2]
    f1_of_x = f1(input_range)
    f2_of_x = f2(f1_of_x)
    df3du = deriv(f3,f2_of_x)
    df2du = deriv(f2,f1_of_x)
    df1dx = deriv(f1,input_range)

    return df1dx*df2du*df3du

def plot_chain(ax,
               chain: Chain,
               input_range: ndarray) -> None:
    Plots a chain function - a function made up of
    multiple consecutive ndarray -> ndarray mappings -
    Across the input_range
    ax: matplotlib Subplot for plotting
    assert input_range.ndim == 1, \
    "Function requires a 1 dimensional ndarray as input_range"

    output_range = chain_length_2(chain, input_range)
    ax.plot(input_range, output_range)

def plot_chain_deriv(ax,
                     chain: Chain,
                     input_range: ndarray) -> ndarray:
    Uses the chain rule to plot the derivative of a function consisting of
    two nested functions.
    ax: matplotlib Subplot for plotting
    output_range = chain_deriv_2(chain, input_range)
    ax.plot(input_range, output_range)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=False, figsize=(16, 8))  # 2 Rows, 1 Col

chain_1 = [square, sigmoid]
chain_2 = [sigmoid, square]

PLOT_RANGE = np.arange(-3, 3, 0.01)

plot_chain(ax[0], chain_1, PLOT_RANGE)
plot_chain_deriv(ax[0], chain_1, PLOT_RANGE)

ax[0].legend(["$f(x)$", "$\\frac{df}{dx}$"])
ax[0].set_title("Function and derivative for\n$f(x) = sigmoid(square(x))$")

plot_chain(ax[1], chain_2, PLOT_RANGE)
plot_chain_deriv(ax[1], chain_2, PLOT_RANGE)
ax[1].legend(["$f(x)$", "$\\frac{df}{dx}$"])
ax[1].set_title("Function and derivative for\n$f(x) = square(sigmoid(x))$");

It produces a couple of plots of chained functions and their derivative.  Notice how the derivative is calculated.  Just like the slope process from Calc I.

I omitted my preferred method of dealing with differential equations:  MATLAB and SimuLink.  Just plunk down integrators and gain blocks, wire them up and hit the "Go" button.  This is the analog computer approach.  Lord Kelvin rules!
« Last Edit: December 11, 2020, 07:23:22 pm by rstofer »
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Offline rstofer

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Re: GNU Octave math programming
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2020, 05:34:49 pm »
Here's a MATLAB solution to a simple algebra problem (if solving 6 simultaneous equations is your cup of tea)

Code: [Select]
% A football stadium has a capacity of 100,000 attendees
% Ticket prices:
% Student  = $25
% Alumni   = $40
% Faculty  = $60
% Public   = $70
% Veterans = $32
% Guests   = $ 0
% A full capacity game netted $4,987,000
% Let S = number of students, A = number of alumni,   F = number of faculty
%     P = number of public,   V = number of veterans, G = number of guests

%      S  A  F  P   V  G =   value
M = [  1  1  1  1   1  1    100000; ... % total number of attendees
      25 40 60 70  32  0   4897000; ... % total revenue
       0  1 -1  0   0  0     11000; ... % 11000 more alumni than faculty
       0  1  0  1 -10  0         0; ... % public +  alumni = 10 * veterans
      -1  1  1  0   0  0         0; ... % alumni + faculty = students
       1  0  1  0  -4 -4         0];    % faculty + students = 4 (guests + veterans)
A = M(:,1:6); % extract 6x6 matrix
B = M(:,7);   % extract value column vector
P = M(2,1:6); % ticket price by attendee type
R = inv(A)*B; % compute number of attendees by type
T = sum(R);   % check total attendees = 100,000 CHECK
U = P*R;      % total revenue = 4,897,000 CHECK
V = R'.*P;    % revenue by attendee type - transpose R from 6x1 to 1x6
              % then do element by element multiplication
% fancy output, all previous default output semicoloned
label = {'Students' 'Alumni' 'Faculty' 'Public' 'Veterans' 'Guests'};
for i = 1:6
    fprintf('%-8s%7d @ %2d = %7d\n',string(label(i)),...
fprintf('\nTotals   %6d       %8d\n',round(T), round(U))

Code: [Select]
Students  25000 @ 25 =  625000
Alumni    18000 @ 40 =  720000
Faculty    7000 @ 60 =  420000
Public    42000 @ 70 = 2940000
Veterans   6000 @ 32 =  192000
Guests     2000 @  0 =       0

Totals   100000        4897000

A statement like
Code: [Select]
A = M(:,1:6); % extract 6x6 matrix
means fill a matrix A with all the rows of matrix M but only columns 1 through 6.  I created M with 7 columns so I could document the output of each row.  Then I break it into a 6x6 and 6x1 matrix to solve the equations.

It is much easier to start with something like this than to jump into differential equations.  The syntax of MATLAB/Octave isn't all that simple.  About the only way to learn it is to write it and slog through the errors.

There are hundreds of MATLAB books and I have a dozen or so.  Pick one, any one, and work through some problems.  Many books are of the "MATLAB For Physics" or other specific application.

Same story with Python - only far worse.  How Python is taught is highly dependent on a supposed application.  The Python syntax idea of using starting column to denote code level is wretched.  Spaces shouldn't be a syntactic element.   Nevertheless, Python is important, not because of the language, but because of the libraries.

Again, there are hundreds of books on Python and they too will tend to be application oriented.  "PYTHON for Physics", that kind of thing.  That "...Deep Learning..." book I linked above is an example.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2020, 05:48:45 pm by rstofer »

Online RoGeorge

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Re: GNU Octave math programming
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2020, 05:43:45 pm »
If you know Matlab you know Octave, too, they are the same.

Either one, they were not meant to be a yet another programming language, but rather a math tool for numeric simulation and plotting the results.  Using them as a programming language is possible, but not the best thing to use them for.

Programing is usually made with loops, while in Matlab/Octave/IPython/etc. an array should be preferred/used to calculate all values at once, rather than a loop.  <--- this is what bamboozles at first, when coming from programming

Operators are usually for arrays, too, e.g. '*' (star) is a multiplier for arrays, while the symbol '.*' (dot star) is for multiplying element by element.  same for + and .+ and so on.  Dot in front of operator is for doing the operation element by element, or else is a matrix operator.

That's it.

Also, plots and charts are almost identical with the ones from matplotlib.pyplot, as a programmer you may want to jump straight to Python, the math libs are usually the same no matter what language use.  Python is just a wrapper, yet way more productive than using those number crunching libraries from their native language.  Some prefers to use other languages, depends on personal habits, but for now Python is probably the richest and most productive language to use.

Alternatives to Octave/Matlab, for plotting and learning:
- LTspice for electronic simulations (mentioned because of the RC circuit example you gave for Octave)
- Python with corresponding modules, or Anaconda if you just want the whole setup to work and don't mind extra bloat
- Jupyter Notebook, sometimes used in various EE/Physics/Programming/etc. tutorials you may want to run for yourself
- GeoGebra (interactive,  easy to set sliders, webpage based or local install)

My recommendation is to go with Python.  I wouldn't invest much time learning Matlab/Octave, but rather Python and its math/science modules like numpy, matplotlib, sympy, etc.

In the last decade or so, the scientific community is steadily migrating to Python. 
« Last Edit: December 11, 2020, 05:57:22 pm by RoGeorge »

Offline rstofer

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Re: GNU Octave math programming
« Reply #12 on: December 11, 2020, 06:14:04 pm »
My recommendation is to go with Python.  I wouldn't invest much time learning Matlab/Octave, but rather Python and its math/science modules like numpy, matplotlib, sympy, etc.

In the last decade or so, the scientific community is steadily migrating to Python.

Hm...  What about SimuLink?  There are many applications where simulations are easier to work with than hardwired equations.  I agree that Python is the thing to learn right up until simulations of mechanical systems become important.

« Last Edit: December 11, 2020, 06:15:44 pm by rstofer »

Offline MathWizardTopic starter

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Re: GNU Octave math programming
« Reply #13 on: December 11, 2020, 06:47:45 pm »
Ok thanks for some links there guys, I want to be able to plot stuff I'm looking at, and program stuff to save time on the calculator....although I like using that too, but yeah it sure is quicker to run some beginner code.

In the past I would have used spreadsheets to automate some calulations.

As for coding stuff w/ Python vs a deicated math program, how hard is it to plot functions/etc w/ Python ? I suppose people have already made stuff for that.

I certainly don't want to be trying to generate grapics on screen, line by line, choozing border size, or any of that stuff I remember from creating a webpage years ago in school.

I'm sure there's stand alone ODE solver's too, but I want to do some programming too anyways.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2020, 06:56:55 pm by MathWizard »

Online RoGeorge

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Re: GNU Octave math programming
« Reply #14 on: December 11, 2020, 07:10:46 pm »
Hm...  What about SimuLink?

IDK, am not a guru, system simulations can be done from Python (and modules) but not as easy as from Simulink.  To me, so far Python was the winner, but that doesn't mean other specialized tools are of no good.

I think Scilab is for Octave what Simulink is for Matlab, but Scilab and Simulink are not as compatible to each other as Octave with Matlab is.  Only used Scilab/Simulink a couple of times (in some lessons about PID loops and systems stability analysis), so I don't really know them enough to comment.

The most appealing feature to me (thought it was not used in those lessons I mentioned) was the ability to interact with real hardware and real data streams, like for example lab instruments, single board computers, Arduinos, soundcards, serial ports, etc.

When it's to interact with hardware (in production, not for learning purposes), LabVIEW is the tool I prefer as a graphical programming language (now free for home use), or maybe something much smaller and open source, like GNU Radio (it lets one add/define its own function blocks and hardware devices, so it's not for software define radios only, but mostly for live stream data processing oriented, IMO).

In the end it all depends of the final goal, personal preferences, skills, and also the available budget of time vs money.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2020, 10:14:22 pm by RoGeorge »

Offline CatalinaWOW

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Re: GNU Octave math programming
« Reply #15 on: December 11, 2020, 07:11:47 pm »
I don't have any solutions for the OP, but will sympathize with his frustration.  Each program and language has an intrinsic world view which may or may not click with a particular user immediately.  With enough need and time this can be overcome, but those are usually painful during the transition.

The differences can be subtle.  You would think all spreadsheets are the same, but after working in SuperCalc, Lotus 123 and Quattro I found the transition to Excel difficult.  And I share with many the difficulty of transitioning from pre-2003 MS Office to later versions. 

And I also am one who has found Matlab/Octave difficult.  In my case manipulation of data once it is in is fairly routine, but I do have a persistent block on easy, efficient and repeatable ways to get data in and out.  Mental block on my part, but it is real.

Offline rstofer

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Re: GNU Octave math programming
« Reply #16 on: December 11, 2020, 07:16:56 pm »
As for coding stuff w/ Python vs a deicated math program, how hard is it to plot functions/etc w/ Python ? I suppose people have already made stuff for that.

Reply #9 has Python code (save as Fundamentals.ipy - the .i in .ipy is REQURED).  This is a rather complex set of plots, not in the plotting, that is easy, but in the creation of the derivatives of chained functions.

Install Spyder 4 to use the code and after you press the dark green run button, the plots show up in the Plots tab over on the right of the screen.

Here is something from Google

Again, save this code as SineWave.ipy and run it inside Spyder 4
Code: [Select]
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

%matplotlib inline

Fs = 8000
f = 5
sample = 8000
x = np.arange(sample)
y = np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * x / Fs)
plt.plot(x, y)

It doesn't get much easier than this!  It probably works in every other IDE but I'm using just Spyder 4.

I went back and added the plot output from Fundamentals.ipy to Reply #9.  It looks pretty nice considering how little effort goes into it.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2020, 07:27:11 pm by rstofer »

Online RoGeorge

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Re: GNU Octave math programming
« Reply #17 on: December 11, 2020, 07:22:36 pm »
Ok thanks for some links there guys, I want to be able to plot stuff I'm looking at, and program stuff to save time on the calculator....although I like using that too, but yeah it sure is quicker to run some beginner code.

In the past I would have used spreadsheets to automate some calulations.

As for coding stuff w/ Python vs a deicated math program, how hard is it to plot functions/etc w/ Python ? I suppose people have already made stuff for that.

I certainly don't want to be trying to generate grapics on screen, line by line, choozing border size, or any of that stuff I remember from creating a webpage years ago in school.

I'm sure there's stand alone ODE solver's too, but I want to do some programming too anyways.

It's trivial to plot from Python, same if not easier than it is to do it from Matlab/Octave.
This is matplotlib can:
Some intro from docs:

As a decent but easy to use IDE for Python (that also remembers the plots) I am using Spyder:

Offline rstofer

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Re: GNU Octave math programming
« Reply #18 on: December 11, 2020, 09:08:53 pm »
Then there is the way we did plotting back around '70.  About 270 lines of Fortran (including a bunch of comments) to create a plot that has a lot of stuff on the page.

No matter how ugly plotting may seem today, it doesn't compare to how detailed we had to be back in the early years.

This example is from one of my grandson's math books - Pre-Calc, I think.

FWIW, this code is for the IBM1130 using Fortran and a CalComp 1627 drum plotter.  A lifesaver when coupled to the output of the IBM Electronic Circuit Analysis Program (ECAP) to create Bode' plots.  Perfect for the young fellow going to EE school.

I have an FPGA implementation of the IBM1130 so the code is native and it's real.  The FPGA runs all of the IBM software, unchanged.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2020, 09:17:43 pm by rstofer »

Offline PKTKS

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Re: GNU Octave math programming
« Reply #19 on: December 12, 2020, 01:27:21 pm »
Well ... things changed (evolved) quite a lot since those
gone days of 70s FORTRAN...

My system BLAS and LAPACK libraries are indeed
compiled with FORTRAN bindings but also with C
bindings as well.

And PERL wraps those binding absolute fastest than
anything available. Comparing mature code like BLAS
LAPACK,  PARI and FFT with some  recent newbie stuff
is just impossible.

We shall see how hard is a modern mature implementation
of such  decades of tested code ...

For example a simple singularity disturbance field
how hard should we have to INTERACT WITH N-DIMENSIONAL
3d terminal plots .. (GLUT is builtin in PDL) or gnuplot
externally binded terminal..

Hands on... on the figure..
PDL is an interactive PERL SHELL with functionality
above  what octave can provide..

There is not much similitude with those FORTRAN 77 days..
nevertheless BLAS and LAPACK are still compiled in FORTRAN
on my system.

« Last Edit: December 12, 2020, 01:30:54 pm by PKTKS »

Offline PKTKS

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Re: GNU Octave math programming
« Reply #20 on: December 12, 2020, 01:38:21 pm »
... forgot to mention the handy MAN page placed
 there...  just to help me remember...

After a proper reasonable level of skills there
should be no return to anything inferior to this level..

Access to those mature code (BLAS LAPACK FFT PARI)
is orders of magnitude more easier than before..

The figure speaks per si... 

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