ASCII does not encompass the entirety of the latin characters (áéóôüñ and so on), let alone the mostly different ones. Whoever lived in other countries had to fight a constant battle with MODE CODEPAGE PREPARE and CHCP in the DOS days. The printers then? Lots of fun with neverending streams of continuous feed printer paper or changes in formatting due to non-standard characters sent to the printer.
With UTF-8 this is a thing of the, now remote, past. The first 128 characters of UTF-8 are identical to ASCII. Together with the next 128 code points, you have Latin-1, the widest used "extended ASCII" set. And all the other 4 billion code points are there to code simply all the glyphs produced by humankind since the invention of writing by the ancient Sumerians.
Look at the characters I can get directly from my keyboard:
¬¹²³£¢¬{[]}\§/?€®ŧ←↓→øþ´ªæßðđŋħ ̉ĸł'~º«»©“”nµ · ̣º ALTGR
¬¡½¾¼⅜¨⅞™±°¿˛/?€®Ŧ¥↑ıØÞ`¯Æ§ÐªŊĦ &Ł˝^º<>©‘’Nµ×÷˙˘ ALTGR + SHIFT
And if I combine the dead keys with the appropriate characters above I get:
ÁÉÍÓÚáéíóúÀÈÌÒÙàèìòùÂÊÎÔÛâêîôûÃẼĨÕŨãẽĩõũṔṕÝýŚśĀĒĪŌŪāēīōūĂĔĬŎŬăĕĭŏŭṠȦĖİȮ, etc., etc., etc.
Chinese characters? No worries.
int main()
printf( "欢迎来到中国\n" );
$ ./utf-8
Welcome to the 21st century.