Hey, my channel seems to have been removed:
To be honest I don't understand the new requirements. "Need to have a playlist", is that just any playlist or does it need to be specific categories of playlists?
First major change I made was to delete member names because of complaints. The list was getting too big, the bigger it got, the fewer the views. It was over 350 and I decided to get it to two - 100 lists. So I had to delete about half. Playlist was just one method I used. I cannot remember why I deleted you but if you have not made any changes, it might be because you put too many videos in one playlist. This was one method that I used to delete.
I added you back in but you might want to re-organize your playlists. You have too many in this one: "Recent Videos (That are not Live Streams)". One video is dated Jan 2017. I do not think 16 months is recent.
My favorite method is when someone uses 8 playlists because that is how many someone sees without scrolling.
Since you seem serious you might want to consider some bookkeeping. Study the way Dave names his videos and watermarks them. I am always amazed how bad people organize and name their videos. Your videos might end up on other Playlists. You should be able to tell it is your video just by the name. Then you should be able to tell by looking at your video (watermark).