Hello, I share my latest and simple project called OpticalShow.
OpticalShow is a system that uses optical fibers to transmit the light emitted by an RGB LED matrix.
Each fiber is associated with its own LED and allows you to remote its RGB light to animate projects, such as panels, maps, artistic objects and wearables.
It consists of a 3D printed plastic mask that interfaces with an 8x8 RGB matrix, with a small hole of 0.75 mm in diameter near each single LED.
The first application I made is an animated world map, where I lit and controlled 256 cities and where I made a 32x8 matrix for scrolling texts, here's a video:
https://youtu.be/pG5Tgg9Z1HkInstructables project page:
https://www.instructables.com/The-World-Is-Mine/OpticalShow page: