If we are talking about fundamentals, what about the big one... transistors. BJT's, FET's, IGBT's, diode drops, gate capacitances, Rds, level shifting, switching FET's with BJT's, unique uses for FET's (overvoltage protection, polarity protection, etc).
It's an interesting topic, IMO, and many of the tutorials out there are either way too simplistic or massively overcomplicated with tons of math and dry minutia that puts you to sleep. There are so many examples that could be done as well.
Another idea is EMI... what is it, what causes it, how to measure it, how can you avoid generating it through circuit layout or make your circuits less susceptible to it, or how yo mitigate it (i.e. snubbers). I bet a lot of people see that metallized spray on the inside of an enclosure and wonder "why do they do that, how does it work and what's the point?".