I have been trying to get the
FreeRTOS example at HWTourist working on a TI Hercules TMS570LS04x/03x LaunchPad.
I did as explained by Eric B. , with these changes:
- I chose the processor on my board (TMS570LS043x) in stead of the one in the walkthrough.
- I unchecked the Use Malloc Failed Hook because that gave a link error (the example does not implement the handler code for this option). I'm not expecting an error because of that because it's mem allocating related.
When I step through my code in a debugger I can walk up to the line: vTaskStartScheduler() .
As soon as I step over that one, it goes of forever (that might be expected, don't know about that yet) but doesn't log results via SCI as expected from the code. The SCI part works. I do get the initial "SCI Initialsed." message in my terminal.
I tried inserting a taskYIELD() in the vReceiverTask loop out of desparation but that didn't yield (sic) anything.
Anyone got more success?