I'm interested in understanding marlin software structure and I'm eager to port it to CH32V307 part,
I want to first try it out on a stm32 blue pill and then port it to the new arch, since it's a complex software, I have modified it for STM32F103CB part
I have changed the platformio.ini file
default_envs = STM32F103CB_malyan also I have copied the Configuration.h and Configuration_adv.h from Configurations
repo Malyan/M200 folder to marlin folder,
The next step is to remove compiler optimization so the code can be debugged with ease, so I have edited line number 798 in the main makefile
OPT = s
OPT = 0
And I expected the output flash size to change, But noting would change, so Where should I change to remove the compiler optimization,
You can take a look at makefile in the attachment