Hi All,
My new version of the diagnostics program, stm32fxx-diagnostics-v1.0.bin is now available, please see:
https://mecrisp-stellaris-folkdoc.sourceforge.io/stm32f1xx-diagnostics.html#stm32f103xx-diagnosticsThis is the new version of STM32F103C8-DIAGNOSTICS.bin which was my first exploratory program to explore what actual MCU was in any of the infamous Blue Pill boards. The Blue Pill suffered from many issues but the most serious was the use of 'fake' and 'compatible' non genuine STM32F103 chips.
The new stm32f103xx-diagnostics contains lessons learned from the above and adds new features such as :-
* Attempts to tell if the MCU is a STM32F,CS32F or APM32F or a GB32F
* Simpler, cleaner Main Menu
* Extra Menu
* Generates a XML dump of all the data with suggested unique filename. This can them be uploaded to a database to examine what chips and memory have been found. This can then be uploaded, see the "FAQ" for details.
* Should work with the Maple Mini board
* Halts nicely with a error message if the second 64kB Flash block fails
Plus the old capabilities:
* Under 64kB in size so it can be loaded and run from any STM32F1xx class with 64kB Flash
* Bootable
* Creates a "Mecrisp STM32F10x Forth Serial Port, class 2/0, rev 2.00/2.00, " virtual serial port device on your PC
* Dump the contents of the first 64kB Flash block
* Dump the contents of the second 64kB Flash block
* FAQ's, Credits, and Liucense are in the "Extra" menu
* Serial can be connected to USART2 instead of USB.