I suppose the best question to ask is, is using a PLL in a micro controller a good idea when I need an accurate clock?
As always, it depends. What does 'accurate' mean ?
Most MCU's working against a 32kHz crystal, use a digital lock loop, rather than an analog Phase locked loop. (It's simpler and the PFD frequency is very low at 32kHz for analog charge pumps).
Exactly how they do that varies, but they usually have a granularity of the Trim step size.
Some use a GoUP/GoDn correction that always jitters about the correct crystal average.
I've seen others that claim to pick a correction trim and only change when that exceeds some error.
That has less jitter, but poorer long term precision.
You should be able to check by outputting a nominal 32.768 toggle pin, and check the jitter and freq.