Something is very awry, if Vcc droops to 1.5V - Check the current demand ? and compare your 8749 with 8049's
Those old parts are NMOS so they need a lot of supply current
You might also want to check the pin-mapping, to make sure it really is an 8049 ?
Thanks a bunch again for all the help from everyone so far!
Things are busy as usual, resulting in slow progress.
Yes, it is definitely a 8049 I'm dumping.
I've attached screenshots from the SDE1000 service manual and the Arduino shield for comparison.
When desoldering the "new" second chip, pin 34 (P1-7) was bent inwards / floating.
No Idea why that specific pin was in that state compared to the other unit I have, where all pins where soldered.
I need to clarify one thing here.
When the 8749 is idle, the only pins that are held high/5V are the DB0-7 pins.
VCC is at 0V then.
The 8049 is when the Ardino is fully restarted at 0V on all pins (even on the VCC and DB pins, but on successive read it seems like it enters a semi-stuck state with 0.9 to 1.5V on various pins (listed bellow).
I repeat that VCC should be 0V, not ~1V when idle.I've also tried to lift some pins with no direct results: 25 Prog, 5 SS, 6 INT, 39 T1, 11 ALE.
Comparing which pins are absolutely necessary with this other project: at it, I made a list of which pins are stuck after a dump.
A curious discovery is at pins 27 & 28 (P1-1 / 2) is tied to ground, while the rest of P1 up to pin 34 is floating and has the stuck voltage.
Would it be safe to tie the rest of the P1 pins to ground?
Could there be more pins that could be tied low instead of floating?
Could VDD be disconnected?Description:
Pin#, _x_ after pin indicates >0.9V present, Name, Notes in reference to Arduino shield schematics.
1 T0
2 xtal
3 xtal
4 Reset
5x SS
6x INT
7x EA
8x RD floating
10x WR floating
11 ALE
12x DB0
13x ..
14x ..
15x ..
16x ..
17x ..
18x ..
19x DB7
20 Vss
21 P2-0
22 ..
23 ..
24 P2-3
25x Prog
26x Vdd
27 P1-0 Gnd tied
28 .. Gnd tied
29x .. floating
30x .. floating
31x .. floating
32x .. floating
33x .. floating
34x .. floating
35x P2-4 floating
36x .. floating
37x .. floating
38x P2-7 floating
39x T1
40x Vcc