This thread has digressed into boot loaders
My boot loader exists only for programming the CPU FLASH (with a field-installable application module, or in hopefully rare cases with a complete replacement for the original factory code; another story). If one is not flashing the CPU, there is no "boot loader". Why have one? The whole thing just starts up at 0x08000000, sets up the hardware, and starts up the RTOS.
If the boot loader
is used (for CPU flashing) then after it has done that, it
reboots. It can't do anything else because it got loaded into the main RAM and crapped over stuff which would otherwise be running in there. The stack will also have some boot loader related crap on it. Originally I was loading it at RAM base 0x20000000 and it worked fine, except that this address is also where some data+bss for the preceeding code (the boot block) gets loaded (it has to go "somewhere") and since the loader was crapping over that, it was unable to call any boot block functions which relied on initialised data or bss. So I now put the loader halfway up the RAM, where there is absolutely nothing, it has the 64k CCM stack to play with, and it could even use most of the RAM underneath it. It's actually quite simple. The key is that it always reboots (with HAL_NVIC_SystemReset); the RAM resident code never returns anywhere.
And interrupts are not enabled at all in the loader. That complicates things too much because you have to switch the ISRs to RAM as well. .
Unless this CPU is doing something totally weird I can't see why the SP should be affected. It gets initialised as the first instruction in the .s startup.
The loader code does use the same hardware functions as the rest of the product does normally, but in any case I am doing a reset after it has run.
Using the RTC SRAM for storage is a cunning trick and we use it to store a magic number which, if not present, causes the RTC to be initialised to some sensible values (Monday 1st Jan 2021 or whatever). The problem is that it is supercap powered and the supercap might not be charged if you do weird power up/down stuff. So I am using a few bytes in a 4MB serial FLASH chip to store flags which tell the CPU to enter the boot loader module on the next boot-up, and copy stuff in the serial FLASH into the CPU FLASH. I have all this working, with lots of verification, but I am stopping just short of actually flashing the CPU until I have 100% tested it all. I posted some Q here perhaps you meant using the normal SRAM for this; I would not risk that not getting corrupted by a reset, and in any case it gets wiped by the startup .s code (zeroing BSS etc).