I used to specify only FTDI for all USB-serial converters for my deployment as they did not pull the trick like a Taiwanese company that made their driver stop working. For me, if you want to hold me accountable, the only point is when I got my goods and was doing the first testing. After that, I have no recourse with the sellers and any "update" to disable, to inhibit, to slow down my installations and deployments are not acceptable. Why should the end users and all the middle tier pay for these problems? And what benefits do these bring to FTDI? Any corrective action must not affect already deployed and installed devices, too bad if they are too late for the game. FTDI either is a company full of hatred that seek to hurt all people that use the compatible chips, or is at the brink of going down. The uncertainty that FTDI and the other taiwanese company bring is not something I want to absorb. Last batch of FTDI that I got is likely to be geniune so far as it is able to survive all the updates. But FTDI and the taiwanese chip are in my ban list, whatever chips they may make.