If you can limit your operations to pin toggling (that is pin always change the state when you manipulate it), then you simply toggle it (Many MCUs have registers to toggle pins).
I was wondering if, as for some processors I have used, there might be a single GPIO register to both set or clear an output. It seems not, but there is indeed a toggle register.
From what I've seen the basic GPIO port has a data output register for an entire port that lets you do a read modify-write. In addition to that seperate clear / set registers or even registers that control a single pin may exist.
The Fine Manual I turned up says this about the GPADAT register:
"Due to the difference between the read and write values, sequential read-modify-write operations on this register may corrupt the state of the output latches. The GPASET, GPACLEAR, and GPATOGGLE registers should be used to safely control the output latches."
If you could do a 32-bit write to an address not on a 4-byte boundary you could write to both the SET and CLEAR register, but that is likely too much to expect.
But I know nothing about this series of TI processors, I might even have been looking in the wrong manual altogether.