Trying to program 2 ESP8266 modules (#1, #7) using the FTDI programmer I drew a fail on both. I also tried using a ASP programmer this wouldn´t even connect to the chip. The FTDI interface would give me connectivity with the AT type chip programmed into the ESP8266 but not allow me to flash the lua firmware. The ESP8266 MOD (7) chip I bought on Aliexpress lights up and appears to be working but does not respond to AT commands and sends no wifi signals. I tried to flash it with lua and at command software but no luck. So, after buying all this stuff I have one ESP that works ok with the AT command set, but would not allow firmware upgrades, another that never worked at all and wouldn´t allow firmware upgrades. The FTDI programmer works but has issues with overheating if left plugged into the computer after a half hour or so powering the one good chip. Well the best I can say using this thing has a lot of frustration but not a complete was of time.