Dear Group,
I am trying to install devcon into the windows 8,
when I follow the instruction, everything looks fine, but when I type devcon on the command window, it shows the message "This app can not run on your PC"
I do not know what is going on, and tried to search for more information, people says "devcon" just work for windows 7 not for 8,
You know the devcon function will help to enable/disable USB port. So I am still trying.
If anyone have any ideal to fix that problem or better ideal to enable and disable USB port, please help.
Best regards,
Nate Duong.
and here is the code for reference:
######################@echo off
rem disable/enable 5 USB com ports
rem devcon disable USB\VID_16C0*
rem devcon disable "@USB\VID_05E3&PID_0608\6&6A3BB49&0&4"
rem devcon disable "@USB\VID_05E3&PID_0608\5&1DF0FBC&0&3"
rem ping -w 1000 -n 2 >nul
rem devcon enable "@USB\VID_05E3&PID_0608\5&1DF0FBC&0&3"
rem devcon enable "@USB\VID_05E3&PID_0608\6&6A3BB49&0&4"
rem devcon enable USB\VID_16C0*
ping -w 1000 -n 2 >nul