Oh wow, didnt expect so much feedback to my mention of MIPI
Here is a preliminary mipi csi2 spec:
http://electronix.ru/forum/index.php?act=Attach&type=post&id=67362Lattice offers free mipi d-phy, and complete CSI2 sink/source implementations(docs,source,test benches, everything) for xo2(cheap tqfp available), xo3l and epc5 (ridiculously small bga, unsuitable for hobby use)
http://www.latticesemi.com/csi2rxhttp://www.latticesemi.com/csi2txFor the Pee we wouldnt need LP bidirectional BS, just a straight HS source pumping packets of bytes. I thought it was worth mentioning CSI2 port on Pee is completely open now(received data is simply dumped into memory buffer in userspace), because its not often you get a $25 SoC dev board with 2/4Gbit of input bandwidth (and ~4Gbit of output in a form of raw 24bit parallel DPI port). I am wondering what would be the cheapest way of pumping ADC data into pee at ~2GBps.
@bktemp Yes, I totally forgot about hackaday iphone hdmi2dsi shield :/ What is amazing about that project is it should be straight forward adapting it into 1080p/30 HDMI - to - CSI2 Pee bridge using one of the $35 chinese XC6SLX9 dev boards. $60 for a complete fullhd hdmi networked h264 streaming grabber.