I played recently with STM32F3 /F4, and find out that there is a big difference between "up to XXX MHz" and data rate that uCPU could really support.
Example, STM32F446RE running internal core at 180 MHZ is able to read GPIO 8-bit port at 11.25 MHz max. It seems that readings could get 36 Msps score, but "hardware" check with synchronous counter connected to GPIO shows missing samples.
STM32F303RE though has 4x 5.1 Msps 12-bits ADC, but unable to read 20.4 Msps 12-bits data stream, due to DMA bottle neck limits.
Max. what I get is 20.4 Msps 8-bits. OR about 16 Msps 12-bits.
It makes me skeptical if NXP really solved DMA interference issue