Sorry, I didn't understand you. What do you mean by "That is very few Assembly instructions using a standard startup."? I can't load anything on chips now even if it's only a few instructions because I've got no programmer/uploader.
Do you mean the PIC 887 will startup with the "clock out" running on the corresponding pin? Is that what you say?
Sorry, based on your experience, I did not take this statement literally:
Please suggest me a minimal setup and procedure to check the MCU units without writing/reading them.
Thus, a very short program copied from somewhere else would be allowed even though it's clear you did not want to have a useful program.* Clearly, that assumption was wrong.
I agree with the statement by DavidAlfa. That is, there is no way to tell whether they will be functional by just looking at them. The chips are supposedly blank.
*Should you like to do that, many contributors here, including myself, could post the code for doing that. Here is what it would look like for a PIC12F1840:
movlb 1
movlw b'01110000' ;PLLEN disabled, 1110=8 MHz |B1
movwf OSCCON ; |B1
btfss OSCSTAT,HFIOFS ;check HF stable |B1
bra $-1 ;keep checking |B1
movlb 0 ; |B0
<light LED>
The instruction "btfss OSCSTAT,HFIOFS" checks if the oscillator is running. If not, if keeps checking. If it is running, it goes to the rest of the code, which could be to flash an LED or you could simply put clock out to a pin. EDIT: Clock out to a pin would be in the configuration settings, but setting only the configuration still requires programming.