It's not cluttering. It's simplifying. The "more complete" way is to use braces. Therefore having only one way in your style simplifies things. No?
The time you spend thinking about the style is the time when you don't think about other things. These other things are more important - data structures, algorithms, code flow. You should be thinking about these. It is entirely possible to write perfectly styled code which is full of bugs, or bloated beyond comprehension, or written very badly with lots of hard-to-test special cases. The style is the least of concerns.
I agree 100% until you have more than you and the compiler as audience. But if you put that line across in a job interview for software engineer, you will not get the job. You just won't be fit to work in a team.
Coding/hacking/bashing out some MCU code is not the same as software engineering. The biggest point is... BIG code, BIG data, BIG platforms, many people, many teams. Way more than half the effort is in communications, not in making it work.
Like a plumber could come into your house and throw some pipes in willy nilly and it will work perfectly. It's not a professional job. The professional will do it neat, tidy, to any standards that apply AND he will make it easy to access, to fix, to understand by others later etc. etc. Partly about pride too. Leaving a job knowing, to the best of your ability, the next guy along to work on it will think, "Nice professional job"
I'm sure if you stated the above line in a job interview for an electrical/electronics engineer you would also be shown the door. I see convention and style picked at CONSTANTLY on here in terms of PCBs and Schematics. I'm sure the suggestion that none of that is important and all that matter is, does the circuit work... will not go down well. Again, if it's just you, nobody cares except you. If you are one of a team of 6 of a program of 4 teams.... people will care.
At interview. If you can't do the basics of making it work, you are worthless. If you believe that all that is important is making it work, you are a potential liability or at least missing part of the pie.