Lower grade might have bad blocks of logic, so they get mapped out in a set of internal flash cells with only a die pad, not a package pin. That makes the yield higher, so lowering cost. You might get lucky and have a few of the better units marked as low grade if they were short on the order, but it would be on a device by device basis, and you would basically have only a small chance of the higher number of cells being present. Might overwrite some already programmed cells, or might simply do the end block over and over. Might even work fine, at least till you order a new set of parts and they were correctly marked.
Kind of like how the reject PIC controllers are used anyway, just whatever is not working on the chip is marked, so that if you do not need it you are fine, and get a cheaper chip. Do not need ADC, get one with failed ADC, or with failed pin drivers selecting ADC.