Who can educate me about the
APT32F172K8T6 MCU?
This MCU chip has recently turned up in “ Transistor Tester “ aka “ Component Tester “ devices.
https://www.ebay.com/itm/275434129848For more than 10 years the Transistor Tester OSHW project has relied almost exclusively on
one Atmel MCU: The
ATmega328. Yes, this is the same MCU found on many Arduino boards and clones.
If you aren’t yet familiar with the
Transistor Tester Project, then please visit this gigantic (324 pages!) EEVblog topic:
https://www.eevblog.com/forum/testgear/$20-lcr-esr-transistor-checker-project/Recently many Asian sources are selling Transistor Tester units with the APT32F172K8T6 MCU substituted for the Atmel ATmega328.
But these vendors aren’t disclosing the substitute MCU. In fact some APT32F172K8T6 MCU chips found in these Transistor Tester units have been expertly and deviously relabeled as
Atmel ATmega328.But the only thing in common between these two MCU chips is they are housed in 32-pin TQFP packages. Their pinouts, including the location of their ground and VCC pins, are totally different. The ATmega328 is a very popular 8-bit MCU which has been in production for many years. The APT32F172K8T6 has a 32-bit architecture and seems to have been in mass production for only a few years. The chip manufacturer, APT also known as Shenzhen Aipute Microelectronics Co. Ltd. has a website:
http://en.aptchip.com/Their product datasheets are in Chinese language only. They do not appear to be seeking business in USA/Canada/UK.However, information about the APT32F172K8T6 does appear at JLCPCB:
https://jlcpcb.com/partdetail/Aptchip-APT32F172K8T6/C448572Not surprisingly these two MCU chips are totally incompatible with each other. None of the huge body of existing open-source Transistor Tester application software will run on the APT32F172K8T6. Rather the manufacturers of these Transistor Tester and Component Tester products did a cheap-and-dirty proprietary port of the existing open-source Transistor Tester software. This was done without any contact whatsoever with the large community of folks who are active users and contributors for the OSHW Transistor Tester Project. This is causing great consternation among hobbyists and electronics enthusiasts who purchase a new Transistor Tester with the expectation that it will perform as expected.
I’m really curious to see if the Asian manufacturers will soon start offering clone Arduino boards containing the APT32F172K8T6 MCU. In order for this to happen a bootloader and the core Arduino software must be created and introduced into the Arduino tool chain. I don’t think this has happened yet.
So I’m very interested in hearing from anyone who has actually used the APT32F172K8T6 in a project.