Hi all! First post, and I'll just jump right into it...
I've got a terrible little audiorecorder (tpro.com Urec7) that insists on recording AMI-ADPCM-encoded wav-files in 128kbps 32khz, mono.
Had it just been stereo in a bit higher bitrate I would not have complained, but mono, c'mon...
I just had to open the thing and I found that the brain inside is a MV Silicon AU7860A
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2666050/au7860a.pdfhttp://www.mvsilicon.com/casesInfo.aspx?id=80&typeid=6 (Chinese site)
That chip sits on a pre-made multipurpose-unit with USB & SD reader called SF6021
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2666050/sf6021.jpgWhat I can see from the board it looks like it's got seperate Left/Right inputs to the correct legs on the chip, so it should be able to record stereo with the right settings.
Question: Is there anyone here that suspects a way to communicate the settings to that chip?