On further reporting, the FX seems to be doing very well. I will put more info on the uploads, but this is fed by an HP 6236B, and is hooked with all copper on copper connections, including Adrian B's shielded low-emf banana cable on the hookup to the meter. On a point of wider interest on this - it seems the banana connector on the FX ref has been replaced with a "spade only" connector, which is not represented in the instructions or anywhere else I can tell. In my case, I have no spade connecting provisions, so I improvised with lo-emf bridges from my meters and a couple of quality female banana connectors I have here. Will enclose pictures later.
It started a bit high from dead cold - my meter, per its "as found" Z540-1 data, sees 10.00010V for 10V on the dot. The FX started at about 10.00011V in slight fluctuation with 10.00012V, and within an hour or a maybe bit more, has stabilized to a bit "better" than expected 10.0009V. Per my math, due to the above data, the meter should see 10.00006V for the characterized 9.99996194V (per label on FX). It's currently "rock solid stabilized" at 10.00009V, so a bit closer to 10.00000V than what's stickered on the unit, as far as I can tell.
Any flaws with my math?