The lovely box of goodies arrived safely in the mail today, in spite of rain, snow and road closures along its path, and is doing its shakedown run. Everything looks good as far as the voltage references go. One thing that will be interesting to watch in the data will be the FX reference, which was still quite chilly from its travels when I started logging. I will look at the resistances in a couple of days after collection on the voltage references.
I won't be blasting it back out again, but will try to avoid the long tail of intervals observed in round 2. By my analysis of the thread documenting round 2 the intervals were (in no particular order) 6, 9, 9, 12, 13, 18, 19, 25,31, 36, 53, 65, 91, 96, 116, 125, 136 and 148 days. There are mitigating circumstances, COVID, trips back to TiN for recheck, and stops that weren't documented in the thread to name a few. Randall suggested a two week goal and I think that is generally achievable. The thing is not to be insanely schedule driven, but mindful of keeping it moving.