Here are some preliminary pictures from my setup and chamber stability results.
I chose to go with stainless steel chambers with standard vacuum conflat flanges, held at temperature via an analog heater PI-controller + kanthalwire, while thermally insulated by about 5cm styrofoam surrounding it.
While more expensive i wanted to have a very sturdy, shielding and virtually zero pressure leakage chamber for these longterm refstability tests.
To keep the chamber at constant temp kanthalwire was applied to the mantle and bottom, with a standard OP-Amp PI-Controller keeping the walltemp at 30°C.
Normally this heater controller would sit inside the chamber, but for preliminary tests it was sitting outside of the chamber as visible on the photo.
Chamber humidity was kept at 0° RH by using fresh dried silica gel.
That shouldnt be necessary for the reference though, as i have no idea how 0° RH will influence the capacitor stability.
In the pictures the unpopulated stacked rev 0 pcbs can be seen:
Heater Controller/Sensors BME280 + TMP117/Signal feedthrough - OPA206 + PTF56 + NTC + BJT-Driver, thermally coupled to the chamber by a thermal mat
ADR1399-Ref - LTZ1000 or ADR1000 would be better, but to test the feasibility of this project i chose to go with the simpler/cheaper ADR1399
Supercap-pcb - series connected standard and lithium hybrid supercaps, the hybrid supercaps compensate the standard supercap leakage current
Thermal shielding/baffle-pcbs that surround the Ref-pcb
The visible radial fan in the chamber is necessary to circulate the air for uniformly temp distribution (thanks TiN).
Without a fan the BME280 inside the chamber indicated way worse thermal stability (about factor 30 thermal attenuation vs roomtemp change) than measured by a NTC + HP34465A connected directly to the outside chamber wall.
PCBs that support a version which uses the big visible PP-cap + tantalum caps for leakage compensation are also on the way.
The PP-cap should provide way less headache/time constant waiting due to way lower DA.
Preliminary stability results explanation:
BME280 inside and outside of the chamber were sampled by a Raspberry Pi 4 for about a week.
A standard rubber gasket was used, the two Swagelok signal feedthrough ports were closed with fittings, which were sealed with "Uhu Endfest" epoxy.
The fan was running inside the chamber and the heater controller sat outside the chamber, which gives slightly worse thermal attenuation values compared to it sitting at constant temp inside the chamber.
The visible curves start after the heater has stabilized the chamber temperature and therefore pressure.
The silicagel had time to absorb nearly all chamber humidity.
The environmental temperature and also the chamber wall temperature were measured via a HP34465A and HP34461A + PT100 running in parallel to the BME280 logging, to ensure proper measurement values.
As can be seen the roomtemp changed by about 8K (i intentionally disabled the room radiator for the test), meanwhile the chamber temp changed 0.05K -> Thermal attenuation is about 160, which was confirmed by the DMMs.
The chamber pressure stability is about 0,3hPa, while the environmental pressure changed by about 43hPa.
The chamber relative humidity keeps on playing dryness limbo, while the environmental humidity changed by about 12%.
A chamber can house either two independent supercap filtered references or one PP-cap filtered reference.
Two opposition mode connected filtered references allow for easier noise measurement with a nV-meter.
The new improved heater controller design should yield slightly better thermal attenuation values of about 200, limited by the styrofoam insulation - i dream of cheap, large and millable aerogel-cubes